Annual Update 2018 VNG International

Building More

Effective Public


by strengthening

local government

‘Public Administration’ an abstract concept? In towns and cities it enters your senses: waste is either collected or a thorn in your eye, the sewage works or smells, public spaces feel safe and look attractive or not, you feel encouraged to participate in decision-making or excluded, etc. Decentralisation brings government closer to people. But well-organised decentralisation, contributing to effective public administration is quite a challenge.


Well-defined inter-governmental interfaces are needed, including inter-governmental financial relations that match the division of responsibilities; local councillors who understand their role, and staff who have the skills to perform; local taxation is crucial for sustained service provision, but also requires accountability and a well-functioning civil registry and land/property registration. This is just a selection from the many issues that we address in our projects in this area of expertise.


Recent / Ongoing Projects

Albania, Capacity Building for the Ministry of European Integration and Line Ministries for the preparation of the Negotiation Process and Legal Approximation |

06-02-2017 / 05-02-2019

donor: Central Finance & Contracting Unit (CFCU) Albania

CONSORTIUM PARTNERS: Euroconsultants SA, PLANET S.A., European Public Law Organisation (EPLO)



Egypt, Support to Public Administration Reform and Local Development  |  01-04-2015 / 31-03-2018

donor: Delegation of the European Union to Egypt

CONSORTIUM PARTNERS: École Nationale d'Administration (ENA)



Ghana, Tax for Development  |  01-11-2017 / 31-12-2021

donor: Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Netherlands



Jordan, Cities Implementing Transparent Innovative and Effective Solutions (CITIES)  |  25-09-2016 / 24-09-2021

donor: USAID, U.S. Agency for International Development




Jordan, Technical Assistance for Public Administration Reforms for Improved Service Delivery to Citizens  |

01-08-2016 / 01-09-2018

donor: Delegation of the European Union to Jordan

CONSORTIUM PARTNERS: Human Dynamics, Oxford Policy Management



Palestine, Area (C) Resilience Development Initiative  |
01-02-2018 / 01-02-2018

donor: European Commission

CONSORTIUM PARTNERS: Association of Palestinian Local Authorities



Tunesia, PAGUDEL 2 Programme d'Appui à la Gouvernance Urbain Démocratique et au Développement Économique Local en Tunisie  |  01-11-2015 / 31-12-2017

donor: Embassy of Denmark Uganda, DANIDA



Zimbabwe, Local Authorities Capacity Enhancement Project  |
01-01-2015 / 30-06-2017

donor: Delegation of the European Union to Zimbabwe

CONSORTIUM PARTNERS: Municipal Development Partnership Zimbabwe (MDP)