> The IDEAL programme covers seven countries facing fragility or conflict: Burundi, Mali, Palestinian Territories, Rwanda, Somaliland, South Sudan, and Uganda. In each of these countries the programme focuses on a topic affecting local stability and in which citizens’ voices are not yet sufficiently heard. Despite the diverging contexts and topics in the programme, we still pursue one common objective: involving citizens in local governance and strengthening local authorities to deal with fragility risks. Each of the seven individual country programmes is centred around the same three outcomes: 1. Effective services; 2. Inclusive decisions; and 3. Enabling environment.
Results include:
- IDEAL Gender Sensitivity Guidelines and Conflict Sensitivity Guidelines have been developed as one of the steps to ensure that project implementation is conflict & gender sensitive.
- Concerning effective services:
- The CDC and the CCDC in the participating Burundian municipalities are more aware of how to improve citizen participation and inclusiveness in local community development plans;
- Participating municipalities in Mali are aware of possible conflicts related to Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) and their role in this; Over 130 mayors are now conscious of their roles and responsibilities; Over 50 municipalities have been capacitated on enhancing municipal management;
- District staff in charge of urbanisation in Rwandan secondary cities have gained new insights on how to improve urban services while tackling rapid urbanisation;
- The participating Ugandan local governments became more aware of their role in the field of Local Economic Development.
- Concerning inclusive decisions:
- The municipalities in Burundi have identified barriers to participation for marginalised groups (women, youth, Batwa);
- Rwandan districts have been enabled to engage with the private sector through Public Private Partnerships (PPP); Muhanga District has become a more reliable partner to the private sector;
- The inclusion of women has been stimulated through collaboration of the Association of Local Government Authorities of Somaliland (ALGASL) with Nagaad gender network;
- Three local government executive directors in South Sudan, by cooperating with other stakeholders, drafted plans to strengthen the position of women in their counties.
- Concerning enabling environment:
- The Association of Burundi Municipalities (ABELO) created a gender strategy; ABELO also contributed to the creation of an Arbitration Board for the law on decentralisation, transferring responsibilities to the local level; ABELO is more financially sustainable;
- The Association of Mali Municipalities (AMM)’s knowledge and skills on IWRM were strengthened; National and international stakeholders committed to coordinate on IWRM issues;
- The Association of Palestinian Local Authorities (APLA) won its first major contract of €600,000 to re-activate its own organization making it a functioning and credible representative of her members again; Ministerial support for LED has been obtained;
- Capacitated by international experts in gender mainstreaming, Rwanda Association of Local Government Authorities (RALGA) staff have actively contributed to the formulation of their revised gender strategy;
- LGASL improved the representation of rural local governments; 7 new districts are to become paying members of ALGASL; ALGASL has introduced communication and planning tools into their daily work;
- There is raised awareness among local decision-makers in South Sudan on the importance of inclusive and gender sensitive WASH services; 10 chairwomen improved their basic knowledge on gender through a three-day gender sensitivity workshop;
- The Uganda Local Government Association (ULGA) expanded its lobby and advocacy outreach by involving all members ULGA developed tools for members on LED and financial management.